Child Support Guidelines

Child Support Guidelines Questions & Answers

  1.    Q. What are the child support guidelines?

    A. The Child Support Guidelines are guidelines passed by the Ohio legislature which calculate child support orders based upon the financial circumstances of both parents. Use of these guidelines is required for the establishment or modification of all child support orders in Ohio. The amount of child support which is calculated using the worksheets and schedules contained in these guidelines is presumed under the law to be the correct amount of child support in each case.

  2.    Q. Are the earnings of both parents considered in setting support?

    A. Yes.

  3.    Q. Are there any adjustments allowed for second families in the guidelines?

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  4.    Q. Do the guidelines allow an adjustment for the parent who is paying for child care?

    A. Yes. The guidelines provide a credit for child care expenses for those children included in the order, relating to work, employment training or education.

  5.    Q. Is there any allowance for the parent who has to pay health insurance?

    A. Yes. The guidelines provide a credit for marginal, out-of-pocket costs of  health insurance which will therefore affect the amount of the order.

Please call 440-639-1020 for a free consultation with a child support lawyer.

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